Marillac Mission Fund (MMF) is a philanthropic program of Ascension. Ascension is one of the nation's leading non-profit and Catholic health systems, with a mission of delivering compassionate, personalized care to all with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable.
For 28 years, Marillac Mission Fund (formerly Daughters of Charity Foundation) has operated as a St. Louis-based charitable foundation supporting efforts to promote the wellbeing and dignity of people experiencing poverty through grant funding, community engagement, research and advocacy and coalition building. Our focus areas include support to Older Adults Living Independently, Immigrants & Refugees, Human Trafficking Prevention, Advocacy & Coalition-Building, Improved Economic Mobility, and Capacity Building for grantee partner organizations. We serve the metropolitan area of St. Louis, including 15 counties in Missouri and Illinois, and have funded more than $45 million in grants.
Marillac Mission Fund staff and leadership are committed to learning, listening, researching and responding to critical issues in the region, which informs our Responsive Grants focus areas.