The Grant Process
We welcome your interest in seeking a grant from Marillac Mission Fund. Before you apply, these are matters you need to consider:
Eligibility: Does your organization meet our basic eligibility criteria?
Priorities: Does your organization or project fit one of our focus areas?
Our Process: Can you produce a strong application with our timelines?
Application Types: What type of funding do you need?
Demonstrated Impact: Can you articulate clear, measurable outcomes?
Steps in the Process
If your project aligns with one of the focus areas described in What We Fund, and you wish to apply for a Responsive Grant or Capacity Building Grant, your first step is to review the material on this page. Be sure your organization and project meet the eligibility requirements and that you can work within the grant cycle timelines.
When you apply for a grant, you will do so with our secure online grant management system. To apply you must have an organization account in the system, with logon credentials (email and password).
NOTE: Google Chrome and Firefox are the preferred browsers.
How to fill out and submit your grant application to the Marillac Mission Fund.
After you submit your application, the focus turns to the review process.
The Final Status Report is the final grant report due to the Fund. It is due no later than one month following the grant end date.
Frequently Asked Questions about applying for a grant from the Marillac Mission Fund.