Medicaid Expansion in MO: Next Steps

In August 2020, Missouri voters passed Amendment 2, which allows for expanded Medicaid eligibility beginning July 1, 2021. More…
Medicaid Expansion Benefits All Missourians
MMF's commitment to serving persons who are poor and vulnerable fuels our efforts to support Medicaid expansion in Missouri. Learn more about how Medicaid expansion will benefit the entire state, and how you can help. More…
Marillac Mission Fund's Position on Racial Injustice
MMF denounces racism and intolerance, and pledges to take meaningful action in this season of reckoning. See the full statement from MMF Executive Director, Claire Hundelt, here. More…
Honoring the Lucken Legacy
MMF received a one-time, unrestricted gift bequeathed by donor, Mr. John “Jack” Lucken, in the summer of 2019. This gift has provided great opportunities for arts organizations serving older adults in our community. More…
Fall FY2021 Grant Cycle Now Open!

The Fall FY2021 Responsive and Capacity Building Grant cycles are now open. Applications are due by August 1, 2020 at 11:59pm online. More…