UMSL Home Repair Study Published

From 2020-2022, researchers at UMSL worked alongside St. Louis City departments and the region’s largest home repair providers to shed light on a problem that, until now, has largely been hidden from public view: the enormous unmet need for home repairs for older adults in St. Louis. More…
Marillac Mission Fund 5-Year Dashboard
Each year since FY2017, grantees submit their evaluation results in the Final Status Report following a 12-month grant, and those are aggregated into MMF’s Impact Dashboard. The Dashboard is shared with staff, Executive Council and Program Committee members, grantees, Ascension, and the larger community as well. More…
May is Older Americans Month

Every May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). This year's theme is "Aging Unbound." More…
Medicaid Redetermination Resources
Beginning April 1, 2023 and over the next 12 months, all Medicaid recipients will be required to go through the redetermination process. We have put together some resources for nonprofits to assist those that they serve to be ready for this process to avoid any unnecessary loss of coverage. More…
Improving the Circuit Breaker Property Tax Credit Helps Older Adults in Missouri Remain in Their Homes
Increasing housing values and associated property taxes can price older adults out of the homes they have lived in for decades, separating them from their neighbors and communities. Marillac Mission Fund’s Theory of Change seeks to increase the stability and quality of life for older adults experiencing poverty to continue to live independently, in line with our value of respect and compassion for the dignity and diversity of life. More…